Lunar New Year 2024: Welcoming The Year Of The Dragon!

Hearty steamboat dinners, curious relatives, festive hongbaos and so much more!

By Sean Yee        25 January 2024

The Lunar New Year is upon us once more. The streets are decked out with festive decorations, crowds of people will be out and about, buying new clothes and stocking up on traditional goodies and snacks, and preparing for the all-important reunion dinner on the eve of Lunar New Year.

We sought out four merrymakers to ask what usually happens during their Lunar New Year, and how they plan to celebrate this year.

Veniz (left) with her son

The entire family is really busy throughout the year, so this is one of the rare opportunities for us to share a meal and spend time together. And I’m a perfectionist, so the meal must be excellent. I’ll probably prepare the same few dishes that I have always made since my kids were in primary school – pen cai (basin of premium braised seafood, meat and vegetables), ngoh hiang (minced pork rolls) and a steamboat.

It takes a lot of effort – countless trips to the wet market with my son and hours of prep work. We haven’t even started talking about the spring cleaning before the festivities, and the clean ups after the visits and meals. I’m in a love-hate relationship with the occasion, as I know it will be a lot of work. And I have a full-time job that demands my attention as well.

But seeing my family together makes it all so worthwhile.

– Veniz Kwong, General Manager

Jermyn TanI want to begin my Year of the Dragon better and happier, with lots of eating, chatting and laughing!

This year, I’ll probably head to my friend’s home. We’re still deciding on the food options but I hope it’ll be a steamboat! He jokingly told me to bring a hongbao so let’s see how he likes it with 5-cent coins.

– Jermyn Tan, Human Resource Executive


Don’t miss these exciting Lunar New Year events and promotions, happening at all SAFRA clubs from 27 January!

Tat Sang (first from left) with his family

We have to talk about the white elephant in the room – the nosy relatives.

I get the whole “I haven’t seen you in so long, and just want to catch up” vibe but it can be overwhelming!

That said, I love their outspoken nature, that they are open and honest about their concern and love for me. But it’s really the festive vibes that make this occasion so special and unique – how many times a year do you even get to sit with your relatives and just spend time catching up? I’m most excited about the mahjong session planned with my friends; I already feel the magic from the God of Fortune in me!

Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!

– CFC (NS) Po Tat Sang, 3AMB / Trade Operations Executive

Mao HanDelicious food, long late night chats with relatives and once-a-year delicacies? What’s not to love? I’m not a huge fan of the large gatherings though, since it is impossible to get to know every relative in an extended family reunion. But still, it’s a great opportunity to mingle and learn about new stories and developments in the lives of my loved ones.

Oh, and the steamboat dinners! I live for them!

– 3SG (NS) Mao Han, 701 SIR MSC/ Undergraduate

Add one of these auspicious yusheng platters to your Lunar New Year celebrations!

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