Raising Generous Kids

You can't teach generosity, but you can nuture it.

By Kelvin Low        19 August 2019

Raising kids in a materialistic, result-driven and self-centred world is no easy feat. Generosity is the act of being kind, selfless, and giving to others. Despite benefiting others, generosity, paradoxically, increases our well-being. So being generous is a fantastic way to improve mental health and well-being. Here are some handy tips to get your kids started on a generous path.

Get Shareable Toys

Generous people are typically people who get along fine. Look for gifts that encourage sharing and playing together, such as building blocks. Encourage group role play as an activity that engages in the family. This also alleviates the potential for the child to develop possessive behavior.

Create Generous Opportunities

Volunteering is the best way to teach your kids that giving to others is an act rather than a concept. Get them involved by donating time or goods to others – no act of charity is too small!

Be The Example

From the moment they’re born, children naturally look to their parents for cues on how to behave. Talking to kids about giving back is important, but setting an example of generosity in your own life will spur the same behavioural development in them.

Prioritize Experiences Over Possessions

Explain to your kids the difference between needs and wants to prevent them from picking up materialistic tendencies. Prioritize positive experiences over acquiring belongings, and remind your children that it is always good to look for little ways to make a positive difference in someone’s day.

Take It Easy

Don’t force generosity or giving, which could backfire as children may think that generosity is forced. Instead, give positive reinforcement when you see your child being generous. They will quickly learn that it’s a good trait and will remember it for life!