What Do You Want Under Your Christmas Tree In 2023?

Four Christmas revellers reveal their 2023 gift wishes.

By Sean Yee        15 December 2023

The Christmas season rejoices in the spirit of generosity, though it never hurts to get something for yourself as well! After all, Santa Claus has plenty of gifts for every warrior that has made it past the tribulations of yet another year.

To help you get started on your own personal wish list, we spoke with four excited calling birds (including myself) on what they would love to receive on this joyous and merry occasion! 

Christmas is always a good time! 

Social gatherings, food, and drinks – what more could you possibly need? And while my celebrations may not be the most exciting, they are perfectly enough for me to just spend time with my loved ones, and indulge in the many festive events organised in my video games, such as Valorant. That’s not to say that we spend Christmas fully online. We do extend that spontaneity to our social gatherings as well, organising fun party games for my group of closest friends!

This season, I would be so happy if I got HyperX’s latest headset, the Cloud Alpha Wireless! The 300 hours of battery life alone would be such a life changer for an avid gamer like myself! 

– CPL (NS) Donald Yeo, Advertising 

Christmas is huge for me and my friends! 

Last year, we managed to get tickets to Gardens by the Bay’s Christmas Gala, and it was absolutely dazzling! We browsed their Christmas market, played carnival games, watched light shows and took so many group photos at the many interactive displays.

And I’m sure like at most Christmas gatherings, we too celebrate the spirit of giving. Christmas is one of those occasions I can show my friends just how much I care about them. That, and I enjoy giving gifts! 

For me, I would personally love to receive handwritten cards, or a photobook containing mementos capturing our many years of friendship. There are just some things in life money can’t buy. 

– Liang Yan, Events Management 

Finally, it’s the end of another turbulent, but equally as exciting year! 

Some celebrate it as a customary occasion. I celebrate it as the year’s final act, like how I would revel in the bittersweet conclusion of a riveting television series or mark the end of a cycle. It’s a weird flux to be in, to wish for more time before 2024 and for the year to end quicker at the same time. But it’s always nice to have time off from the chaos and the hustle to appreciate my past, to introspect on the present and to hope for the future. 

I would love a new PC though!

– 3SG (NS) Sean Yee, Journalist  

Natalie Hong (centre) with her friends.

To my family, Christmas is really more of a public holiday than an actual festive occasion. Still, I do make it a point to gather with my closest friends every year for a Secret Santa Exchange! We try to spice it up by rotating hosting duties every year so that everyone has a turn. And of course, no one should leave a Christmas celebration feeling disappointed! Before our gatherings, we note down our preferred gift items on a shared wish list, almost like a wedding registry. My brother, who is currently serving National Service, also did the same thing last year in his camp!

This year, I hope to get a phone case so that I can use it for my upcoming trip to Japan, or maybe a personalised mug! 

– Natalie Hong, Student

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